Apple Day


A celebration of all things apple

Apples galore!

The orchard has fruit trees of all kinds, but the Apple takes pride of place – in fact we have over 100 varieties! It’s no surprise then, that very early in the Orchard’s existence, a group of interested individuals and families decided to come together to celebrate that fabulous fruit.  On Sat 17 Oct 2009 – even before the first  trees had arrived – Jesmond Community Orchard and Transition Initiative Newcastle organised the Orchard’s first Apple Day. No less than sixty people came along to join in the games and tastings.

Apple Day
Ken at Apple Day

Apple Day has remained an annual event in the Orchard’s calendar, growing in scale and popularity. There are now all sorts of apple-related games, a cake stall, (lots of the cakes are made with apples, of course) apple juicing, which always attracts crowd eager to join in the process and sample the results and visiting experts are there with a huge display of different varieties to give advice on apple identification.

For years, Apple Day, was held at West Jesmond Allotments, but since 2023, when the Orchard was extended, it takes place in the Orchard, which provides more space and enables visitors to look round the site as well as taking part in the events.

Apple Day takes place in October and full details appear in advance on this website and on the Orchard’s Facebook page.